Voice commands for word 2010
Voice commands for word 2010

voice commands for word 2010


Once your Microsoft is set up and the Cortana is ready to take commands, you can easily give Windows voice commands and make use of Voice Recognition tool to take control of your computer. Put a check on the option ‘Start Speech Recognition at Startup’ and click on ‘Skip Tutorial’ if you find that you’re good to go. Make a selection for activation mode if you want to stop speech recognition with a voice command or manually perform the task using the keyboard. Enable speech recognition accuracy by selecting the ‘Enable Document’ option. Check the calibration settings of the microphone and click on the ‘Next’ button. Select the microphone you are using for speech recognition and click on the ‘Next’ button. On the next window, click the ‘Next’ option to proceed. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up speech recognition until confirmation. Click on ‘Ease of Access’ and navigate to ‘Speech Recognition’ followed by ‘Train your computer to understand you better.’ Type ‘Control’ on the search box and go to ‘Control Panel’. Go through the setup process if prompted and once the setup is done, it will show you another dialogue box ‘Welcome to Speech Recognition Voice Training.’ Type ‘ Windows Speech Recognition’ in the search box on the taskbar, and then click on ‘Windows Speech Recognition’. If you face any difficulties, check for Cortana settings if it is turned ON or Not. Under Microphone, click on the ‘Get Started’ button.

Voice commands for word 2010